?> // Alternate user error $txt['error_alternate_user'] = 'The alternate user you specified doesn\'t exist.'; $txt['statuses_post_error_short'] = 'Your message is too short, please try again.'; $txt['statuses_post_error_long'] = 'Your message is too long, please try again.'; $txt['statuses_post_delete_invalid'] = 'Invalid status, this can be due to several reasons such as attempting to delete another member\'s or non-existing status.'; $txt['statuses_post_lock_invalid'] = 'Invalid status, this can be due to several reasons such as attempting to lock another member\'s or non-existing status.'; $txt['replies_post_delete_invalid'] = 'Invalid reply ID, this can be due to several reasons such as attempting to delete another member\'s or non-existing reply.'; $txt['statuses_reply_locked'] = 'You cannot reply to a locked status!'; // Registration Agreement $txt['error_no_agreement'] = 'There is no registration agreement to display!'; $txt['error_no_privacy_policy'] = 'A privacy policy has not been created for this forum.'; // Unsubscribe $txt['unsubscribe_invalid'] = 'The unsubscribe link that brought you here does not appear to be valid.'; Login
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