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Mildura weir to make way for high flows


Mildura weir to make way for high flows
22 September 2016 - MDBA

Work to temporarily remove the Mildura Weir are expected to start on Monday 26 September as a result of increased flows in the River Murray.

The acting Executive Director of River Management, Andrew Reynolds advised river users to take into account changing water levels.

"This is important preparation for higher flows down the Murray, which are expected to start affecting the river at Mildura next week. It is likely river levels will then remain high through October," Mr Reynolds said.

"The process of taking out the weir is planned to finish by Sunday 2 October.

"It will also mean passage upstream and downstream of the weir and through lock 11 will not be possible between Friday 30 September and Sunday 2 October. After this time river craft can bypass Lock 11, which will be closed until the weir is reinstated.

"The weir is removed if flows are forecast to reach about 43,000 megalitres per day. The last time this occurred was in 2012.

"Thanks to the ongoing maintenance program at the weir, which included new trestles being installed in 2014 and 2015, removal of the weir by Goulburn-Murray Water will be a safe and relatively straight forward exercise."

Mr Reynolds said for a short time after the weir is removed, the water level immediately upstream will be approximately 1.0 metre lower. As the higher flows approach Mildura, the river will begin to rise again.

"The weir will be reinstated once the high flows pass, with the date dependent on future rainfall and inflows."

The MDBA will issue further advice as needed. Information is also available in the River Murray Weekly Report.


Image: GM Water
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