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Lure Lunatics > General Lure Chat

How do lures dive to different depths etc?


Freshwater Newby77:
Gidday all!
                   Well I was just looking at all the awesome aussie made lures in the shop on here.
They are truly an art form all their own.
Curiousity has the better of me,& I wondered if its the way the timber is shaped,the angle the bib comes off the body,the weight of the wood,a combination of these or something else that makes them dive to different depths?Also Ihave seen poppers,and diving lures both advertised for catching bass and yellas.
Are surface lures for night time and the divers for daytime fishing?
Any info would be great.

Timber density does have some driver along with shape and size

And you have named a few others

Bib Angle

Bib Shape

along with tow point ( Where from - nose or body of lure or bib )

The biggest factor in diving depth is bib size/shape. The angle of the bib doesn't really change diving depth, but it does allow the use of a larger bib without the lure becoming unstable and "blowing out". Essentially, the larger the bib - the more horizontal the bib angle needs to be. Also, a large bib needs to have the tow point moved forward in order to prevent the lure from tipping forward too much and "plowing". That's why deep divers have their tow point quite far out from the nose of the lure on the bib itself. There is quite a science to lure making. It's a fine balance between water resistance, buoyancy and pivot point placement.


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