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General Category > Recreation Access Notices

Lake Dyer recreation info


Lake Dyer is open to paddlecraft but closed to all other water-based recreation 
Date: 22/07/2016 - Seqwater 

We have reopened Lake Dyer to paddlecraft activities only. Due to the reduced water levels, the swimming area cannot be used and the boat ramp will remain closed to trailerable vessels.

Paddlers are asked to please exercise extreme caution when accessing Lake Dyer due to the reduced water level. The dam level is less than 10%.

Paddlers should remain vigilant at all times as conditions in the lake may have changed during the closure and previously submerged hazards may become visible.

Thank you for your patience during the recent temporary closure of the lake.

Image - Sweetwater gallery

Kayakers - here's your chance to fish Lake Dyer (even if it is only at 10%) without needing to worry about being a speed bump to a jet ski. Ed.


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