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Trout Cod- help needed please!


poddy mullet:
The poor old Trout Cod has a huge fight on its hands against Orange City Council at present, as they are planning to place a $47 million dollar pipeline right in the heartland of the regions Trout Cod recovery program on the Macquarie River. They want to pump water in times of drought to secure the cities water supply at times of low flow, and we believe it will not only hurt the endangered Trout Cod immeasurably, but also all the native fish that reside in the river.

We believe that removing millions of litres from the river in times of drought and at low flow levels will hurt the stocked trout cod by:

a)The Lower flows will reduce water quality through raising temperatures, reduced dissolved oxygen levels and increasing the likelihood of a build-up in contaminants and concentrated levels of nutrients. Raising Temperatures through lowering flows is extremely dangerous for the species, as it has been documented in the National Recovery Plan for Trout Cod of 2008 that when “ in captivity, Trout Cod were found to be more prone to bacterial and fungal infections if kept at temperatures of 25 degrees Celsius or above”. (Page 6)

b)Lower flow levels will ultimately lesson the preferred habitat of the endangered Trout Cod, as it is documented in many research based documents, such as the NSW DPI website:, that “trout cod prefer higher flows in the middle of channels”. Lessoning the flow will undoubtedly reduce the preferred habitat and conditions of the species.

Public debate is currently raging, with the environmentally concerned hoping to get the plans to build the pipeline abolished, but we are fighting an up hill battle to save our native fish.

If any one at all can help in any way we would be greatly appreciative, and I look forward to hearing from you if you can offer any advice, assistance or help of any kind,

Please see the attached photo of a flow of 46 Mega litres in the Macquarie River, and they want to pump at 30 meg flow levels??? 16 Meg less then this???

Yours Sincerely,

Matt Hansen

Good on you Matt, power to your arm, sounds as though you're on top of the environmental issues and flow based risks facing the Trout Cod - doubt if I can help from afar - but if your require an independent fish biologists comment on something feel free to email me - Jim

poddy mullet:
Jim, thanks ever so much! I really appreciate that offer to comment from an expert perspective. I may well be in touch, my sincere thanks, Matt Hansen

Got my support 110% Mat , what ever when ever


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