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Special Interest > Electronics chat

Sounder shots

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Me too! Right after I recover my baitcasting outfit from the bottom of that bloody lake...
Fingers crossed!

Hmm I will have to check the settings. I think the speed is around medium setting.
I was paddling but notvery fast, i was trolling at the time. As for the beam setting I am not sure, will have a Look when I get a chance and let ya know. 

Why i asked is....

A 60 degree beam angle will show a wider, deeper arch on the screen than a 20 degree beam setting.

The faster you are travelling, the faster the fish goes in & then out of the beam. Travel fast = narrow arch, travel slow = wider arch.

The scroll speed. Fast scroll speed will also give a wider arch on the screen.

Depending in the combination of settings and speed, the returns from the same fish can be displayed alot differently.

Ok cool thanks, yet to get a chance to look at the settings


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