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Lure Lunatics > Lure Making

My second batch of lures

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Here is my second batch of lures, I am loving the challenge and I feel I am getting better each time I make a batch. To my surprise these all swam on the first try. I am almost happy with their finish, if I could get the process neater when I glue the bib in place without smears and over fills they would look even better, but I suppose that will come with practice. These lures are hand carved from brown beech and hit with an airbrush.

So if you are thinking of having a go at making your own lures, give it a try, if I can do it anyone can.


Nice one Sel  :GoodPost)


Wow Sel, very professional looking!

Here is a close up of some, not so professional but getting there...

I particularly like how the lures in the second photo here turned out, still need to work on the eyes, I just need a more gentle hand.

Look great Sel
Keep it up .  :thumbsup


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