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Laanecoorie Reservoir - Victoria

Laanecoorie reservoir is located on the Loddon River 40 km south-west of Bendigo. The Catchment covers 4,118 square kilometres and extends into the Central Highlands. The average annual rainfall in the catchment is 900mm, compared with 610 mm at the storage.
Laanecoorie’s function is to control flows in the Loddon River downstream of Cairn Curran and Tullaroop Reservoirs.

Work on the original reservoir began in 1889 and was completed in 1891. The embankment was substantially reconstructed after major flood damage in 1909 and the reservoir was enlarged to its present capacity in 1935.

The dam consists of a 98 m long gravity spillway fitted with 234 tilting crest gates that allow’s flood flow pass over and under them; four conduits with upstream control valves to pass irrigation releases through the main spillway (total discharge capacity of 1,300 ML/d); the 209 m long embankment and a secondary spillway with a concrete paved crest and short concrete lined chute leading to an unlined by-wash channel.

The range of recreational activities permitted at Laanecoorie Reservoir includes; picnicking, swimming, limited power boating and water skiing.
The facilities provided include picnic areas with shelters, electric and wood barbecues, toilets, rubbish bins and boat ramps.

Laanecoorie Reservoir Fact Box
Nearest Major Town 40 km S/W of Bendigo
Construction Date 1981
Surface Area 480 Hectares
Capacity 7,930 ML
River System Loddon River



Fish Present
Contains mostly tench to 1.5kg, abundant redfin to 950g, carp to 4.5kg, goldfish to 1.3kg, golden perch and very occasionally brown trout and rainbow trout.

Fish Stocked
Stocked regularly with golden perch.

The top end of Laanecoorie Reservoir is shallow often with abundant aquatic weed.
There is an 8km/hr speed limit at this end and high speed boating is permitted at the more open northern end.
Boat Ramp provided.

See Accommodation page for details.

Related Links:
Water Level Link GM Water
Loddon River Basin Map - DPI Vic. PDF format

Laanecoorie Map
Copyright © 2007 Garry Fitzgerald. Sweetwater Fishing Australia