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Blowering Dam - Tumut. NSW

Blowering Dam Fact Box
Nearest Town Tumut
Construction Date 1968
Surface Area 4300 hectares
Greatest Depth 91 meters
Capacity 1 628 000 mega litres


BLOWERING Dam is located just south of Tumut.
It was constructed in 1968 on the Tumut River to supply irrigation water.

When full Blowering Dam has a surface area of 4300 hectares
Holding 1 628 000 megalitres Blowering Dam has a maximum depth of 91 meters.

Fish present

Murray Cod, Golden Perch, Silver Perch*, Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Redfin, Eel-Tailed Catfish * River Blackfish* and Macquarrie Perch*.
Stocked fish
Murray Cod, Golden Perch and Silver Perch.

* Macquarie Perch are a totally protected species with Silver Perch, River Blackfish and Catfish are fully protected in the Tumut District.
All species listed above must be returned to the water unharmed.

Blowering Dam and its tributaries are Notified Trout Waters. These streams are closed to fishing between the Queen’s Birthday long weekend in June to the Labour
Day long weekend in October each year. Fishing is not permitted in these waters during this time. Yabby/shrimp traps and hoop nets may not be used in any notified trout waters at any time.

No Fishing Waters
No fishing is permitted from the Jounama Pondage wall to 800 meters downstream & from the Blowering Dam wall to 250 meters downstream on the Tumut River.

Facilities are provided around the dam with walking tracks, toilets, BBQs, drinking water and bins provided.

Blowering Reservoir is open to all forms of boating.
Several boat ramps are provided around the lake.

Camping is allowed along the foreshore of Blowering Dam. Access varies depending on water levels.
Other camping, caravan access and cabins around Blowering Dam with Hotel / Motel accommodation available in Tumut.
See the Accommodation page for details.

Blowering Dam fishes well with steady or rising water. A falling water can see the fish shut down.
Trolling hard body lures is the most popular technique used here.
Fishing with a bobbed bait along steep banks or around trees can produce good Golden Perch and Redfin.

Related Topics:
Purchase NSW Fishing Licence Online



Blowering Dam Water Level Guage & Graph

Click for Gundagai, New South Wales Forecast

Blowering Dam Map


Copyright © Sweetwater Fishing Australia - partial update Oct 2015