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Lake Liddell - Muswellbrook. NSW

Lake Liddell covers 1133 ha, is 35 m deep and has a storage capacity of 152 000 megalitres. It was constructed to store cooling water (replenished by the Hunter River) to the Liddell Power Station which produces 2000 megawatts of electricity from four steam-driven turbo-generators, using coal from local mines as their fuel source. The generators sit inside a turbine hall which is 300 m long, 40 m wide and 34 m high.

If you are heading south along the New England Highway the access road to the recreation area runs off to the left about 13 km from Muswellbrook. It continues on past the lake and some open-cut mining through scenic countryside. After about 7 km there is a right turn which will take you the 8 km back to the highway.

Fish Stocked
Australian Bass

Boat ramp is provided. There are no boating restrictions

There is a bird sanctuary, a picnic-barbecue area, an oval, tennis courts, a parking area, a kiosk, toilets and showers. A small fee is charged for usage.
Gates to recreation area are closed from 10pm - 7am.

Camping / Accommodation
Camping with caravan access is permitted on site. Motel / hotel style accommodation available in Muswellbrook. See Accommodation page for details.


Lake Liddell Map


Copyright© 2006 Garry Fitzgerald. Sweetwater Fishing Australia