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Pindari Dam - Ashford. NSW

Located on the Severn River in the far north of New South Wales and only 63 kms from Inverell or 22 kms upstream from Ashford is the Pindari Dam. Pindari comes from an aboriginal word meaning 'high rocks' and is the name of an early pastoral run which adjoined the dam.

Pindari Dam was the first major conservation storage to be built in northern NSW, commencing in 1967 and completed in 1969 and serving the New South Wales-Queensland Border Rivers system.

Dam Facts
Storage capacity - 312,000 million litres or over half the volume of Sydney Harbour.
Catchment area - 1,994 square kilometres.
Surface area - 10.5 square kilometres.
Maximum water depth - 85 metres.
Width of base - 217 metres.
Length of main crest - 954 metres.
Maximum spillway discharge - 21,900 cubic metres/second (1.89 million ML/day)
Maximum outlet discharge - 58 cubic metres/second (5,000 ML/day)

There are outstanding opportunities for outdoor recreation including picnicking, bushwalking, sailing, swimming, fishing & waterskiing. Boat ramps enable boat owners ease of access to the water.
The foreshore park is a popular local picnic site and informal camping area on a crown reserve, managed by Inverell Shire Council. There is a lookout on the main dam wall, next to the Office.
Recreation facilities include boat ramp, BBQ's. bush shelter sheds and tables, toilets and a modern amenities block.

Related Links
Purchase NSW Fishing Licence Online

Lake Pindari Water Level Guage / Graph

Pindari Dam Google Map

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