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Lake Oberon ( Fish River Dam ) - Oberon. NSW
Lake Oberon Fact Box
Owner Dept of Natural Resources
Nearest Town Oberon
Construction Date 1949. Upgraded in 1958
Greatest Depth 25 meters
Capacity 45 500 mega litres





Situated immediately south of Oberon, the Fish River Dam was completed in 1949 and upgraded in 1958.

Fish Present
Brown Trout & Rainbow Trout are stocked annually.

General Trout Lake. Fishing permitted year round.
Lake Oberon has an excellent reputation as a trout fishery throughout the year.

No boating is permitted on Lake Oberon, except for sailing club members on weekends.
Fishing is bank angling only. Public access is restricted to Kellys Lane, Dam Wall, Golf Course & the Reef Reserve.
Access to other areas of shoreline is via private property. Permission must be gained for access & respect for fences, gates and stock must be adhered to.

Camping / Accommodation
No camping is permitted at Lake Oberon.
Caravan Parks and hotel / motel style accommodation is available in Oberon. See Accommodation page for details.

Electric BBQs, picnic shelters, drinking water and childrens playground are provided.

Related Links
Lake Oberon Fishing Story
Purchase NSW Fishing Licence Online


Lake Oberon Map

Oberon Dam Map
Click on map for printable version

Click for Oberon, New South Wales Forecast


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Lake Oberon Map

Copyright© 2007 Garry Fitzgerald. Sweetwater Fishing Australia